
Are you an established translator or interpreter looking to take your business to the next level? 你是永利登录网址在这里的原因!

下一个级别 supports translators and interpreters with five or more years of experience as they seek to achieve their business goals. We provide information for both freelancers and company owners to use in all aspects of their careers, from improving their privacy protections to planning for retirement.

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Getting Your Freelance Business Ready for a Summer Slowdown

By 下一个级别 | 2024年6月26日
Getting Your Freelance Business Ready for a Summer Slowdown

这篇文章是重新写的, originally published in the Slator Tool Box. 本文经作者许可在此转载. My translation clients are primarily based in Europe, so my project flow tends to slow down quite a bit in July and August every year. Europeans, it turns out, take their summer breaks much more seriously than Americans. 决策者不在办公室, only the most urgent translation projects are sent out while ongoing work is put on hold. I appreciate the flexibility this reduced project volume brings, but have learned that I need to include the associated income…


Translator Profile: ATA Past President Ted Wozniak

By 下一个级别 | 2023年1月11日
ATA翻译简介Ted Wozniak

Many of you know Ted Wozniak quite well from his many years of dedicated service to ATA…but did you know he essentially worked undercover as a liaison officer for the US Army in Germany? 我最近有幸与泰德交谈, and I enjoyed hearing about his colorful professional life as much as I valued his advice for…



By 下一个级别 | 2022年12月21日

这篇文章是重新写的, originally published in the Tool Box Journal 新闻letter, 十一月二十三日,22-11-342版本, 2022. 经作者许可转载. 想象一下你正在盖房子. 你已经给地下室浇上水泥了, 你花了几个星期建造城墙, and just as you’re starting to work on the roof… you decide to remodel a shiny…



By 下一个级别 | 2022年11月23日

From the 下一个级别 team: Do you remember the first few years of your career in the language industry? 一帆风顺吗?, or did you sometimes wish for someone who could give you advice and point you in a new direction? If you’ve ever wanted or had someone to help you find your footing, consider doing the same for…



By 下一个级别 | 2022年11月9日

我上四年级前的那个夏天, I was invited to join a special summer program at a local community college. I had the opportunity to choose two classes from a range of offerings and, 原因我已经不记得了, 我选择了戏剧和触控打字. The drama class never did me much good; I learned mainly that I…


ATA63 Conference Preview: Business Practices Education at ATA63

By 下一个级别 | 2022年10月6日

About a week from the time this post appears, the ATA第63届年会 will be in full swing. 像总是, attendees will have opportunities to network with colleagues and potential clients, 参观展览厅, 交换字典, 锻炼, 会见董事会候选人, 当然, 在短短三天内尽可能多地学习.…



By 下一个级别 | 2022年9月21日

这篇文章是重新写的, originally published on Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo’s blog. 经作者许可转载. Testimonials are a great way to enrich your online marketing. Customers often read product reviews and testimonials before they make an important purchase. I heard someone say recently that other people’s words are 15 times more valuable than our own when…



By 下一个级别 | 2022年8月31日

MIRELLA lay still in her bed, though she felt every muscle twitching. She had tried tossing but could not get comfortable. Lying on her back, she scooted up to rest her head on the pillow. She had read somewhere that in colonial times, they used to sleep almost sitting up. The standby light on the computer stared at her accusingly.…



By 下一个级别 | 2022年8月10日

How much time do you spend each day looking at some type of screen? 你在电脑上工作吗, 翻译时使用平板电脑查找术语, or spend long amounts of time staring at your phone? Have you ever noticed a headache coming on while you work, or have your eyes started to feel dry and irritated?…



By 下一个级别 | 2022年7月20日
我一直都是那样做的! 戒掉坏习惯

这篇文章是重新写的, originally published in the Tool Box Journal 新闻letter, 六月十五日,22-6-338号, 2022. 经作者许可转载. Our brains are wired to resort to tried-and-true recipes in times of uncertainty, but old approaches are not always the most productive choice. The work of Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has helped us understand…


Mental Health in Freelance Translation: Setting Boundaries

By 下一个级别 | 2022年6月22日
Mental Health in Freelance Translation: Setting Boundaries

这篇文章是重新写的, originally published by Zingword on November 5, 2020. 经作者许可转载. I recently had a brief discussion on mental health with an acquaintance who also works as a freelance translator, and they said something that really stuck with me: “No one ever taught me that you can say no to…
